Next Element's blog offers a wealth of insights into leadership communication strategies, focusing on Compassionate Accountability® and effective leadership communication strategies. You'll find articles written by Dr. Nate Regier who delves into topics such as handling workplace conflict, the significance of genuine presence in leadership, and distinguishing between being nice, kind, and civil. By exploring these articles, leaders can enhance their communication skills, foster trust, and navigate conflicts with confidence.
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Leadership Communication, Team Leaders
Are Your Company Policies Promoting Weak Leadership?
In a recent “Ask the Expert” article I read, the expert's solution to a reader’s complaint about a co-worker who clips her fingernails in a public space was to recommend the supervisor issue a company-wide directive prohibiting the behavior. The rationale was that this behavior could easily escalate into flossing teeth and trimming nose hairs. This is a typical response we see from leaders. And, it suffers from three false beliefs that drive the ever-expanding and confounding policy manual in many organizations. Read More
Leadership, Leadership Communication, PCM, Team Leaders, Trainers
What Skeletons Are You Revealing When You Talk?
Each of us has our own baggage, our secret beliefs that work against the spirit of OK-ness. Did you know that every time you open your mouth you are revealing your secret, even without awareness? Learn about Taibi Kahler's Miniscript discovery and decode the unhealthy beliefs revealed in sentence structure. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, Leadership Communication, LOD
The Holiday Breakthrough: Dig Deeper
I can't think of any other time during the year that provides so many challenging opportunities. At work, we are dealing with the end of the year: budget, planning, finishing, preparing...all at once. No matter if the context and content is personal or professional we will experience very specific emotions and behaviors. There is an opportunity for breakthrough here. The question is, will we see it? Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Leadership Communication, LOD, PCM, Team Leaders, Trainers
Why Leaders Don’t Fix And Fixers Don’t Lead
Leaders, do you ever feel like you are working too hard for your employees and they aren’t taking enough ownership and responsibility for their own performance? If so, you might be a “fix-it” leader and are rescuing your employees instead of leading them. Read More
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