The Secret To Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

Posted on October 5, 2016 by Nate Regier / 0 comments
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There’s a time to gather information, analyze options, and weigh the pros and cons. That’s called Resourcefulness. And there’s a time to make a decision and move on. That’s called Letting Go. How do you know when it’s time to let go so you can avoid analysis paralysis?

Resourcefulness can get you to a point where all of the following conditions are met:

  • You understand the situation or problem
  • You have generated several good options
  • More information won’t make the decision any easier
  • You have weighed the pros and cons of your several good options
  • You have a strategy that can be implemented
  • Trying something will teach you more than continuing to analyze it

Once these conditions are met, continued analysis will only paralyze you, your team, and your organization. Resourcefulness won’t help you anymore. The only thing left to do is make a decision, let go, and move on. Why is this so difficult for some people and teams? Because Letting Go is requires a completely different skill set than Resourcefulness.

Resourcefulness is about generating options. Letting Go is about loss of the options not chosen.

Resourcefulness is about anticipating and planning for outcomes. Letting Go is about going forward with no guarantees.

Resourcefulness requires analysis and creativity. Letting Go requires courage and faith. 

Resourcefulness requires clear thinking. Letting Go requires emotional vulnerability.

Resourcefulness is about understanding. Letting Go is about commitment.

One of the most important aspects of moving beyond analysis paralysis is to grieve the loss associated with making a decision. Most people and teams avoid facing this, which is why they get stuck and revert back to more analysis to somehow prevent the inevitable.

Moving beyond analysis paralysis requires acknowledging and feeling the loss of control associated with making a commitment, the loss of options associated with choosing one, and the loss of certainty associated with moving forward into the unknown.

I’ve dedicated a whole chapter of my new book, Conflict Without Casualties, to these critical choices we all face and must make in order to be effective as leaders, parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors. Click here to learn more and preview the Table of Contents and first two chapters.

Copyright Next Element Consulting, LLC 2016

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